Position - N27 28 142 // W016 14 484
After a punchy start into some harsh weather we managed to clear Gran Canaria, as the sun dropped, so did the wind. An incredible night rowing under some of the most amazing stars we’ve ever seen, along with phosfluorecent plancton and jellyfish. We rowed 1 hour on 1 hour off for the duration, keeping energy high on the oars as we were still punching into the wind, so pace was slow.
We are both pretty shattered, and our bodies are screaming out for a break, but we will persist in moving South to pick up better weather. Today is baking hot and the wind is non-existent, which equates to what feels like rowing through treacle. We’re due a burst of following wind tomorrow at 1200 which should stay with us for a week, so our pace should increase dramatically.
Banter is high, and Bieber is on repeat - so no complaints here.
Over and out,