

Developing the next generation of talent in one of the oldest brands in the industry

Developing the next generation of talent in one of the oldest brands in the industry

  • NextGen Summit, Berlin: We brought together 35 of the top performing managers from around the world to a three day summit, kicking off a programme that would prepare them to fill the C-level roles of the future. We kicked off the year long programme with a three-day experience in Berlin. We worked with the Chief Next Gen Office of Bacardi to curate an agenda focused on building a culture of ambition and bravery within the group. We paired workshops with dining experiences and outdoor adventure & challenges.

“Epic Dot Com! I worked with The Tempest Two to design our NextGen Star Summit in Berlin. Tom & James are officially part of the Bacardi family and the reaction from the group was something pretty special. The Tempest Two are daring, future thinking, fun, collaborative and all round champions. I would recommend them again in a heartbeat.”Chief Next Gen Officer

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